Colonel Rohit Dev is a young dynamic leader who moved from the Armed Forces, after an illustrious career, in November 2018. In his military career of almost 24 years, he has been at the top of his profession, held all prestigious appointments, and had detailed insight into the Operational Logistics and Supply Chain Management of a strategic field organization in the Northern Command.

After an illustrious and exemplary career in Indian Armed Forces, has served as COO, in a Renewable Bioenergy Company and the Company gained immensely during his Leadership.

He is a Thought Leader in diverse forums and is contributing effectively towards BioEnergy Sector. He has been an Invited Speaker and Key Member on Leadership Panel Discussion on topics related to Biomass Supply Chain Management and Bio-Energy Sector in India & in Global Summits. He is the Co-Chairperson of Biomass Global Associates Forum, under aegis of Indian Federation of Green Energy (IFGE) and Expert Adviser with Indian Biogas Association; besides being Adviser to select Bio-Energy Companies and mentor for Startups in that field.

He is a Geopolitical Expert, Adjunct Professor at Rashtriya Raksha University, Social Media Influencer, and an energetic Television Personality, with accreditations in Management, Technology, Financial Management, Journalism, Well-being, ESG and more.

He is a graduate of the National Defence Academy (NDA). Besides holding a Masters in Operational Art and Strategic Thinking, he has done certification courses from IIM, Indore, NIFM, Faridabad, IIMC, New Delhi, the Art of Living, Bengaluru, and NABET Accredited Internal Auditor Training Course on Environmental, Health, and Safety Statutory Compliance, CII.

He has been awarded with Bio-Energy Award by Indian Federation of Green Energy in 2020, Business Leadership Award by Indian Achievers’ Awards in 2021, Nationwide Under50 Business and Corporate Leader Award in 2021, Business Mint C-Suite Award for Most Promising COO of The Year 2022, Chief Operating Officer of The Year (Bio-Energy Sector), by The Corporate Titan Awards in 2022 and also, India’s 100 Future Leaders 2023 and more recognitions.